FAQ For Partner

We partner with travel oriented businesses, as well as businesses with a member based model that wish to advertise travel insurance as a value add to their membership. We reserve the right to decline any affiliate without explanation, and will not partner with entities in industry segments that are not aligned with our core brand values.

To apply to become an affiliate, simply complete the online affiliate application.

AGA24h affiliate partners advertise using a range of banners and links and are paid a commission on each purchase of a travel insurance policy that came from a customer clicking the link on the affiliate’s websiteAGA24h offers a range of advertising solutions to choose from.

The AGA24h affiliate program currently offers a range of banner and links advertising. Allianz Global Assistance provides a full range of travel insurance services including co-branding, white label and integrated offers.

The AGA24h affiliate program is absolutely free to join. AGA24h are not responsible for any associated costs for implementing any links or banners.

Sales are tracked through a unique tracking code that will be inserted into the banner or link advertisement. Your unique code is embedded in the banner advertisement code accessed from the secure Account Management Interface.

Once your application is approved, we will provide you with necessary instructions to access your account, choose and insert the banner in your web page, and start selling.

We pay a flat rate of 18% commission on each travel insurance policy sold.

Your commission will be paid monthly in Thai Baht.

Commissions are paid by direct deposit to your Thailand bank account.

We provide many banner sizes, and new versions of them will be made available as new offers arise.

You are free to position the links and banners anywhere on your site, however the advertisements should be placed in a prominent position for best results.